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Moonstruck Astronaut C.I.C. Report Photos and Feedback: 2018

Indoors educational projects:

1) LAMDA Group Acting tuition for 10 to 15-year olds, Trinity Church, Newport

Drama coach: Hannah de Quincey, Volunteer drama specialist: John Goodier

LAMDA Group Acting Sep 2017- March 2018:

Student feedback: 

  • ‘Thank you so much for helping me achieve a distinction. I really feel these skills will help me in the future.’
  • ‘Thank you so much for helping me with not just my distinction but to build my personality. These sessions have built up my confidence and drama skills that will help me through all aspects of life.’
  • ‘Thank you soooo much for teaching me. You’re such a good teacher. I’m happy that you’ve helped me achieve distinction, it really helps in what I want to be when I’m older.’
  • ‘I have learnt being more confident performing Infront of an audience.’
  • ‘I think I have gained more confidence and being able to speak in public.’
  • ‘I have learnt to speak more clearly and have grown in confidence.’
  • ‘The coaching has really helped with my public speaking and acting in general! The organisation was excellent and communication was steady. The ways of teaching are really great, and the games and exercises really help. This course has helped me so much with acting!! Thank you to everyone!!’

Student feedback: 

‘Thank you so much Hannah for your dedication to the children. You inspire such confidence and strength in them. Thank you.’

2) The Zombie Challenge Day, Keele University, 4 July 2018

Original concept / director/ script writer/ co-event manager Hannah de Quincey; Higher Horizons+ event management: James Glew, Rebecca Barber, Chris Satanow; Actor: Alexandra Daszewski; Challenge co-creators: Keele University academics and support staff; funded by Higher Horizons+.

Photos of preparation December 2017 – July 2018:

Photos of the 4 July ‘Zombie Challenge Day’ outreach event (no photos of participant faces were allowed):

Participant feedback, secondary school students, aged 14-15:

  • ‘Liked working as a team’
  • ‘All of the challenges were good’
  • ‘Thought it’d be boring, other ones were just sitting down and listening, but we got to do tasks and challenges’
  • ‘It was good’
  • ‘I have learnt how to persevere and work hard together in a team’
    ‘Uni is good’
  • ‘Teamwork gets us to the answer much quicker’

Stakeholder feedback: 

  • ‘I think everyone involved really got a lot out of the experience. The kids would definitely have not been exposed to anything like that without your talent, ingenuity and perseverance.’ (academic lecturer who took part)
  • ‘Brilliant!’ (teacher present)
  • ‘The students were really engaged’ (teacher present)